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Feature preprocessor.


Name Description

Preprocessor class to preprocess the raw data.


Identity Preprocessor class.


Preprocessor class based on sklearn preprocessing classes.


Preprocessor class based on pytorch.

Preprocessor #

Preprocessor class to preprocess the raw data.


Name Type Description Default

preprocessed_size #

tuple[int, ...] | None

None indicates that the preprocessor was not fitted. Otherwise, it represents the feature size after being preprocessed, without the batch size.



Name Type Description
preprocessed_size tuple[int, ...] | None

preprocessed_size: tuple[int, ...] | None = None #

IdentityPreprocessor #

Identity Preprocessor class.


Name Description

Unparse the serialized preprocessor to use it on client side.


Name Type Description
as_exposed ExposedIdentityPreprocessor

Parse the preprocessor to send it to xpdeep server.

as_exposed: ExposedIdentityPreprocessor #

Parse the preprocessor to send it to xpdeep server.

from_exposed(exposed_identity_preprocessor: ExposedIdentityPreprocessor) -> Self #

Unparse the serialized preprocessor to use it on client side.

Source code in src/xpdeep/dataset/schema/
def from_exposed(cls, exposed_identity_preprocessor: ExposedIdentityPreprocessor) -> Self:
    """Unparse the serialized preprocessor to use it on client side."""
    return cls(preprocessed_size=exposed_identity_preprocessor.preprocessed_size)

SklearnPreprocessor #

Preprocessor class based on sklearn preprocessing classes.


Name Type Description Default

preprocess_function #

TransformerMixin | ExposedPreprocessFunction


Name Description

Unparse the serialized preprocessor to use it on client side.


Transform a feature raw value into its preprocessed value.


Inverse transform a feature preprocessed value into its raw value.


Name Type Description
preprocess_function TransformerMixin | ExposedPreprocessFunction
as_exposed ExposedNumpyPreprocessor

Parse the preprocessor to send it to xpdeep server.

preprocess_function: TransformerMixin | ExposedPreprocessFunction #

as_exposed: ExposedNumpyPreprocessor #

Parse the preprocessor to send it to xpdeep server.

from_exposed(numpy_preprocessor: ExposedNumpyPreprocessor) -> Self #

Unparse the serialized preprocessor to use it on client side.

Unparsing requires the adequate external modules, like scikit-learn if it used it originally.

Source code in src/xpdeep/dataset/schema/
def from_exposed(cls, numpy_preprocessor: ExposedNumpyPreprocessor) -> Self:
    """Unparse the serialized preprocessor to use it on client side.

    Unparsing requires the adequate external modules, like `scikit-learn` if it used it originally.
        preprocess_function = numpy_preprocessor.preprocess_function.unparse(None, None)
    except ModuleNotFoundError as err:
        warnings.warn(  # noqa: B028
            "Unable to recreate preprocess_function from ExposedPreprocessFunction. An additional module is "
            f"required to achieve this operation. {err.msg}"
        preprocess_function = numpy_preprocessor.preprocess_function

    return cls(

transform(feature_raw_value: object) -> torch.Tensor #

Transform a feature raw value into its preprocessed value.

Source code in src/xpdeep/dataset/schema/
def transform(self, feature_raw_value: object) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Transform a feature raw value into its preprocessed value."""
    if not isinstance(self.preprocess_function, TransformerMixin):
        msg = f"{self.preprocess_function} was not parsable"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    return self.preprocess_function.transform(feature_raw_value)  # type: ignore[no-any-return]

inverse_transform(preprocessed_value: torch.Tensor) -> object #

Inverse transform a feature preprocessed value into its raw value.

Source code in src/xpdeep/dataset/schema/
def inverse_transform(self, preprocessed_value: torch.Tensor) -> object:
    """Inverse transform a feature preprocessed value into its raw value."""
    if not isinstance(self.preprocess_function, TransformerMixin):
        msg = f"{self.preprocess_function} was not parsable"
        raise TypeError(msg)

    return self.preprocess_function.inverse_transform(preprocessed_value)

TorchPreprocessor(input_size: tuple[int, ...], module_transform: torch.nn.Module | None = None, module_inverse_transform: torch.nn.Module | None = None, **additional_attributes: object) #

Preprocessor class based on pytorch.

To customize your preprocessor, inherit from this class and implement the transform and inverse_transform methods. Additionally, you can define module_transform and module_inverse_transform in the init method.

Initialize the preprocessor.


Name Type Description Default

input_size #

tuple[int, ...]

The dimensions of the data that the preprocessor expects, excluding the batch size. input_size must match the dimensions of the data in your dataset. - Set an empty tuple () if no specific dimensions are provided (e.g., for scalar values). - Or by example,For an array of size (3, 2) in your dataset, set input_size to (3, 2).


module_transform #

Module | None

A PyTorch module to preprocess data from the raw input space to the preprocessed space. If transform is not inherited, this will override the default transform method.


module_inverse_transform #

Module | None

A PyTorch module to reverse the preprocessing, converting data from the preprocessed space back to the raw input space. If inverse_transform is not inherited, this will override the default inverse_transform method.


**additional_attributes #


Any additional keyword arguments can be passed when instantiating a TorchPreprocessor or a child class. These arguments will be set as class attributes. It can be especially useful in order to better customize the implementation of transform and ìnverse_transform methods.



Name Description



Process data: ie take in input a tensor and return the tensor preprocessed.


Reciprocal of preprocess.


Unparse the serialized preprocessor to use it on client side.


Name Type Description
as_exposed ExposedTorchPreprocessor

Parse the preprocessor to send it to xpdeep server.

Source code in src/xpdeep/dataset/schema/
def __init__(
    input_size: tuple[int, ...],
    module_transform: torch.nn.Module | None = None,
    module_inverse_transform: torch.nn.Module | None = None,
    **additional_attributes: object,
    """Initialize the preprocessor.

    input_size:tuple[int, ...]
        The dimensions of the data that the preprocessor expects, excluding the batch size.
        `input_size` must match the dimensions of the data in your dataset.
        - Set an empty tuple `()` if no specific dimensions are provided (e.g., for scalar values).
        - Or by example,For an array of size `(3, 2)` in your dataset, set `input_size` to `(3, 2)`.
    module_transform:torch.nn.Module | None
        A PyTorch module to preprocess data from the raw input space to the preprocessed space.
        If `transform` is not inherited, this will override the default `transform` method.
    module_inverse_transform:torch.nn.Module | None
        A PyTorch module to reverse the preprocessing, converting data from the preprocessed space
        back to the raw input space.
        If `inverse_transform` is not inherited, this will override the default `inverse_transform` method.
    **additional_attributes: object
        Any additional keyword arguments can be passed when instantiating a TorchPreprocessor or a child class.
        These arguments will be set as class attributes.
        It can be especially useful in order to better customize the implementation of `transform` and
        `ìnverse_transform` methods.

    self.input_size = input_size
    self.ward = True
    self.module_transform = module_transform
    self.module_inverse_transform = module_inverse_transform

    for additional_attr_name, additional_attr_value in additional_attributes.items():
        setattr(self, additional_attr_name, additional_attr_value)

input_size = input_size #

ward = True #

module_transform = module_transform #

module_inverse_transform = module_inverse_transform #

as_exposed: ExposedTorchPreprocessor #

Parse the preprocessor to send it to xpdeep server.

forward(inputs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor #


Source code in src/xpdeep/dataset/schema/
def forward(self, inputs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    if self.ward:
        return self.transform(inputs)
    return self.inverse_transform(inputs)

transform(inputs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor #

Process data: ie take in input a tensor and return the tensor preprocessed.

Source code in src/xpdeep/dataset/schema/
def transform(self, inputs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Process data: ie take in input a tensor and return the tensor preprocessed."""
    if self.module_transform is None:
        raise NotImplementedError("Implement this function.")
    return cast("torch.Tensor", self.module_transform(inputs))

inverse_transform(output: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor #

Reciprocal of preprocess.

ie \forall x inverse_transform(transform(x)) = transform(inverse_transform(x)) = x.

Source code in src/xpdeep/dataset/schema/
def inverse_transform(self, output: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    r"""Reciprocal of preprocess.

    ie \forall x inverse_transform(transform(x)) = transform(inverse_transform(x)) = x.
    if self.module_inverse_transform is None:
        raise NotImplementedError("implement this function.")
    return cast("torch.Tensor", self.module_inverse_transform(output))

from_exposed(exposed_torch_preprocessor: ExposedTorchPreprocessor) -> Self #

Unparse the serialized preprocessor to use it on client side.

Source code in src/xpdeep/dataset/schema/
def from_exposed(cls, exposed_torch_preprocessor: ExposedTorchPreprocessor) -> Self:
    """Unparse the serialized preprocessor to use it on client side."""
    inverse_transform = exposed_torch_preprocessor.inverse_preprocess_transformer.to_torch_module()
    if exposed_torch_preprocessor.preprocessed_size is None:
        raise ValueError("")
    input_size = inverse_transform(torch.randn(size=(2, *exposed_torch_preprocessor.preprocessed_size))).size()[1:]
    return cls(